The 'M' in Management

The official meaning of BIM is the acronym for Building Information Modeling. However, for us and other industry specialists, this term nowadays doesn’t accurately reflect what BIM has evolved into as a discipline. Especially since the publication of ISO 19650, which solidifies the idea that BIM is a methodology oriented towards digital information management. This information, obviously, needs to be created, meaning modeled, but above all, it needs to be managed correctly. That’s why at Coloma+Armengol, we have decided to stop referring to Building Information Modeling and instead start talking about Building Information Management to describe this methodology, which consists of using a shared digital representation of an asset to facilitate design, construction, and operation processes, and provide a reliable basis for decision-making.
As you can see, the acronym remains unchanged, but this change helps to convey more accurately the scope and meaning that BIM currently holds. We will only talk about Building Information Modelling when referring to everything related to the creation of Building Information Models.
Therefore, starting today, we will begin reviewing all the material we use to disseminate and implement BIM in line with this position, and we will involve our collaborators and clients in this approach.
Bibliographic references
As you can see in this graph, the number of publications in scientific journals mentioning the term ‘Building Information Management’ has continued to grow in recent years.
Here are some examples: